We are looking for:

  • Junior sales specialists who have completed their vocational training – including persons seeking career changes.
  • Young professionals with a solid academic background in real estate or other business management, who have at least 3 years work experience in real estate.

You should be a team player, have a keen interest in the property business and make high professional demands in relation to both yourself and your career.

We are constantly on the look out for talented young people to strengthen and supplement our team.

We offer training!

We are an official training provider and as such providing training for real estate agents. Trainees should, where possible, have obtained their Abitur (examination before leaving high school equivalent to English “A-levels”). A “class B” driving licence is also required in order to commence your training.

We also offer internships.

Please send an informative application to:

We are looking forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions, please do no hesitate to contact us.